Informational portal
Interactive services
Modern technologies
Unrivaled result
An information portal is a large Internet resource with many pages and a branched structure, organized as a multi-level association of various resources and services, which are updated in real-time.
The news portal contains a huge amount of content (mostly unique) and is designed for high traffic loads.
News portals contain news on various topics (politics, show business, culture, society, sports, science, health, etc.), weather forecasts, exchange rates, and so on. News sites can be narrow-regional, wide-regional, narrow-thematic, and wide-thematic. In addition, according to the method of forming a news feed, sites are divided into auto-filled (a program or script is engaged in collecting news into a feed, usually by tracking RSS feeds), filled by moderators, and filled by users. There are also combined forms: for example, a user adds an article, but it appears on the site only after approval by the moderator.
One of the features of news portal web development is site depth and thoughtful navigation. Therefore, it should be developed after determining the volume of text materials and graphics, in addition, the possibility of expanding the portal should be taken into account.
The creation of an information portal also implies the development of many functional modules for interactive communication with portal visitors. This can be providing an opportunity for site visitors to discuss news by communicating in the comments, or on the site's forum, upload news, share them.
The functions of the news portal should allow users to easily find the information they are interested in, which requires systematization and structuring of the content. In addition to the navigation system, each information site should have many links to other materials on a similar topic.

At the same time, the information portal should be convenient for both users and administrators.
Therefore, the creation of a content management system must be taken seriously. The creation of an information portal requires a clear knowledge of modern web design technologies, confident practical experience in the development of such web projects. That is why the creation of an information portal should be entrusted to professionals.
Our agency employs specialists in web programming, HTML layout, website design, and SEO optimization. We are aware of the most modern technologies and apply them in practice, finding unique effective solutions for any task.
Web Development
Promotion tools
Brand recognition
Conversion increase
Increase in sales