Semantic core
Expanding the target audience
Increase in traffic to the resource
Qualified SEO services

Creation of a semantic core
The semantic core of the site is a list of search queries (a set of words and phrases) reflecting the field of activity, goods or services provided by the company, and, ultimately, the theme and structure of the site. We can say that the terms "semantic core" and "semantic core" are identical.
SEO-website promotion begins with the formation of a semantic core, selecting key phrases for which it is planned to occupy the top lines in the search engine (entering the TOP). Based on the selected key queries, unique thematic content is created that has value in the eyes of the search engine and meets the needs of users.

Types of requests (LF, MF, HF)
- Low-frequency queries include the most popular phrases entered into the search and consist of 5-6 words.
- Medium-frequency queries include 3-4 thematic words entered by users.
- High-frequency queries are queries consisting of one or two words.

We provide services of compiling a semantic core for a website in full SEO promotion. By ordering search engine optimization services from us, you get a thematic list of queries that characterize your activity and attract additional traffic.
Performed work:
- Determining the target audience
- Competitor analysis
- Selection of targeted queries
- Formation of structure
- Creation of thematic content
- Query injection
Semantics is the most important link in search engine optimization.
SEO optimization
Promotion tools
Brand recognition
Conversion increase
Increase in sales