Contextual advertising
Increase in sales
Targeted audience
Wide audience coverage

Contextual advertising Google Adwords, Yandex Direct
Contextual advertising is advertising, the content of which depends on the interests of the user, and this is one of its main advantages over other types of advertising. Search ads appear in search engine results.
A prerequisite for displaying search advertising is the presence of an explicit search query specified by the user.

How did contextual advertising come about?
Back in the late 90s, the developers of the Google search engine, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, started thinking about how to monetize their grandiose project. Then it was decided to display text ads, thematically related to the query, next to the search results. This idea turned out to be perfect, and contextual advertising has become one of the most popular online advertising tools. And today it is a high-precision tool for gaining the loyalty of your potential customers on the Internet. With the help of AdWords tools, you can distinguish your audience and convey your ad to it, which allows you to make the most of your ad budgets.

Purpose and effectiveness of contextual advertising.
- increase in sales,
- carrying out an advertising campaign,
- traffic maximization,
- launching a new product or service on the market,
- increasing brand awareness (brand).
- Benefits of contextual advertising:
Benefits of contextual advertising:
- Unobtrusiveness - advertising is shown only to those who are actively interested in a specific product or service;
- Launch speed. Ads appear almost immediately after setting up an advertising campaign and replenishing your AdWords balance;
- Accuracy. Thanks to various targeting methods, contextual advertising can be customized to your target audience as accurately as possible;
- Flexibility. AdWords allows you to very quickly change your account settings and direct advertising towards maximum efficiency;
- Payment by results. The ability to set up paying only for the received conversions, which are pre-set by the customer.
However, depending on the specifics of the goal, the placement of ads, their number, and other parameters change. Every day of the advertising campaign is taken into account in statistics, which can be obtained at any frequency. This allows you to find out how many users saw and how many came to your site on the ad. In this case, you pay only when your ad is "clicked". At the same time, the price per ad is up to you: if you want your ad to be shown in a better position, raise your CPC bid.

The Google Adwords system also allows you to place contextual ads on Youtube, the advantage of which is:
- huge audience;
- the ability to place a banner in certain videos or channels;
- the ability to choose the theme of the video or channel;
- setting up an audience for any topic,
- even a very narrow one;
- taking into account the interests of users;
- constantly growing audience
There are two ad formats on YouTube - using AdWords and promoting videos and the channel in general.
But the main thing is to make your advertising as effective as possible.
The ad must clearly reflect the consumer's request, that is, be as relevant to his request as possible. This can be used to determine the click-through rate (CTR) of an ad, that is, the ratio of the number of clicks on an ad to the number of impressions. CTR is measured as a percentage.
That is, the higher the CTR, the more the ad matches the request and the lower the price for entering Guaranteed Impressions or Special Placement will be for you.

Time targeting allows you to set your ads to show only for the times your business is running. For example, it makes no sense to advertise accepting orders outside of business hours for your company.
Geographic targeting allows you to customize how your ads appear in a specific country, region, or city. It is extremely useful for advertisers whose audience is Azerbaijan.
Behavioral targeting takes into account the interests of users and allows you to display ads on partner sites of the PS, taking into account the interests of users.
Post-click analysis. Google Analytics and Yandex. Metrica statistics counters allow you to analyze the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
Note that all these settings depend on the goal set by the advertiser, so we advise you to contact specialists who can prepare contextual advertising specifically for your company.
Online marketing
Promotion tools
Brand recognition
Conversion increase
Increase in sales