SMM promotion

Online marketing

Promotion in social networks, or SMM marketing

SMM is short for Social Media Marketing, which, in turn, implies a set of actions to attract an audience through social networks, blogs, forums, and communities. Simply put, this is communication with potential consumers through social networks.

SMM advertising refers to non-standard promotion methods, and at the same time, it is one of the most promising promotion methods. Social media marketing allows you to communicate directly with the audience, being democratic in price.

Social Media Marketing


Issues that can be resolved through SMM:

  • Increase in the number of website visitors;
  • Increasing brand popularity;
  • Increasing audience loyalty to the brand
  • Increase in sales


The main directions of work with Social Media Marketing:

- Creation and development of communities, social networks, creation and maintenance of microblogs, etc.

- Stimulating the audience's interest in communities, attracting new members (through competitions, contests).

- analytics (monitoring of networks and communities, analysis of the situation and development of recommendations for the promotion of the company, the creation of a strategy for the company's promotion on the Internet).

The main emphasis here is on the creation of content because users will be able to share interesting content freely. As you know, news transmitted through social networks creates more confidence in potential consumers of a product or service.

Promotion on social networks allows you to accurately influence the target audience, to choose the area in which this audience is more represented and the most appropriate way to communicate with it, as well as to minimize the impact on people who are not interested in this ad.

Comprehensive progress in social networks:

SMM promotion scheme


After receiving the request of the client, our company begins to develop an SMM strategy. The work goes on the preparation of content, the analysis of the target audience (that is, the identification of potential customers).

Subscribers are appearing and it is necessary to work on improving the online reputation, the management of which determines what information about the company will be seen by people.

Some techniques help to lower the ranking of materials that can harm the brand image and, conversely, strengthen the position of positive information. Reputation management also includes working with customer reviews (measures to increase positive ones). Analytics (data mining) are carried out periodically (usually once a month), including on the budget. It also makes it clear how much user loyalty has increased (that is, the number of likes, shares, and comments has increased), and generally reflects the compliance of the customer's request with the result obtained so far.


Benefits of SMM:

  • Low cost of promotion (to start, promotion requires minimal investment);
  • Wide audience;
  • The ability to carefully select users who will see your ad (ranking the target audience by social parameters: age, place of residence, interests);
  • The gradual development of an image that will last for a long time (the maximum effect from SMM is achieved after a while).


Social networks suitable for SMM promotion

Social networks


SMM promotion is possible on any social network. The more popular the resource among users, the higher the level of views, conversions, likes, comments, and reposts between members of groups and communities will be. The most popular social networks include Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Telegram.


What does SMM include in your agency?

We provide content creation and management, targeted advertising, analytics and reporting, as well as audience engagement.

Which platforms do you use for SMM?

We work with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok.

How often do you publish content?

Content is published 3-5 times a week, depending on the strategy and platform.

Do you offer targeted advertising?

Yes, we offer targeted advertising based on demographic data, interests, and audience behavior.

How do you determine the target audience?

We analyze demographic data, interests, and the behavior of your target audience.

How do you measure the success of SMM campaigns?

We use engagement metrics, subscriber growth, conversions, and analyze data using analytical tools.

How do you handle negative comments?

We respond promptly and professionally to negative comments, offering solutions to problems.

How often do you provide reports on the work done?

We provide monthly reports with analysis of results and recommendations.

What types of content do you create?

We create visual content, videos, infographics, articles, and user-generated content.

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Brand recognition

Conversion increase

Increase in sales


Select channels



Online channels

Web development